Sunday, March 5, 2017

Hello! I'm Alison Merkt and this is my first blog:

I am so pleased to be joining you this semester for Business Communications.  This course is in my final four! I am a returning student from the 80’s who is now completely engaged in completing her degree in Business Management.  I started this degree many years ago with the intention of completing it. I had initially started out as a Marine Biologist major. Then I changed to a Computer Programmer major, and then altered to a Fashion Merchandising major. I finally settled as a Business Management major.

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Retreating from college earlier than planned, I became a stay at home mother and raised two beautiful and successful children. I volunteered to remain active in the lives of my children for the next sixteen + years.
Image may contain: people smiling, one or more people, indoor and closeup

Fast forward, 2 kids, a husband, and relocation to PA later, I am currently working as a CSR (Customer Service REP) for an engineering company in Bethlehem PA.  I am also working on completing my Business Management degree at NCC.

Yes, I was a stay at home mom (as we called it at the time) for a long time, but I worked harder than most of my family and friends who were paid for working. Volunteering in the PTA, Scouts, and the Sports arenas, helped me to develop leadership skills that I could never had imagined. I also developed skills such as organization, finance and diplomacy just from being involved in these activates.  I did it all and don’t regret one day of it.   

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Now, several years later, my kids are done with college, and it was my turn to finish my education. I’m only 3 more courses away and I can finally see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It’s my turn. I can do this, and I need this for me. I want to complete my degree and move onto the next phase of my life.

What I've learned so far is that Business communication is the sharing of information between people within and outside the organization that is performed for the commercial benefit of the organization. It can also be defined as relaying of information within a business by its people. For business communication to be effective these qualities are essential:
  1. Establish clear hierarchy
  2. Use visual communication
  3. Conflict Management
  4. Consider Cultural Issues
  5. Good Written communication

Thanks for stopping by!


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